Alicja Slabon-Urbaniak. Composition with ships, oil on canvas (cd)
Automatically generated translation (Google Translate):
Alicja Slabon-Urbaniak b. 1962. Composition with ships, oil on canvas. Signed and dated Alicja Slabon 2002. 30 x 80 cm (33 x 83 cm)
Original Description:
Alicja Slabon-Urbaniak. Komposition med skibe, olie på lærred (cd)
Alicja Slabon-Urbaniak f. 1962. Komposition med skibe, olie på lærred. Signeret og dateret Alicja Slabon 2002. 30 x 80 cm (33 x 83 cm)
Auction ends: 14. Dec 2024 19:38
1 day 22 hours 2 minutes 42 seconds
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DKK 2,600
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