A large collection of books: biographies, history, topography, art, theater, etc.
Automatic translation from Danish.
A large collection of books: biographies, including about / works by / correspondence with Danish 19th-century personalities, history (including World War II), topography, dictionaries, art, theater, humor, anecdotes, children's books, etc., as well as the following older works:
Knud Lyhne Rahbek: 'The Danish Spectator', seventh volume, second volume, 1797, (no. 53-104).
Jacob Henric Schou: 'Chronological Register of Royal Ordinances and Open Letters, and Other Printed Ordinances, published from 1670 onwards, together with a precise extract [...]'. 4 vols.: Part I and Part IX - X (3rd ed.) 1822, Part XI 1797, Part XXII 1839-1840.
Jacob Baden: 'Almeennyttig Alphabetisk Ordbog over de i Danske Skrifter og i Colloquialsproget mest brugelige [...] Talemaader og Konstudtryk'. 1820 (2nd ed.) Belonged to Ludvig August Læssøe, inspector at the Rosenborg Collection and numismatist.
Christian Flor: 'Håndbog i den Danske Litteratur', 1866 (6th ed.).
Carsten Hauch: Afhandlinger og Ästhetiske Betragtninger', 1855, and the same 'Ny Række', 1869, as well as 'Ästhetiske Afhandlinger og Recensioner' 1861.
As well as three others, including Aarestrup's surviving poems, 1863, and 'Ny Folkevisebog' by J. Nielsen, 1854.
Variable signs of wear and tear, in Baden clipping at the bottom of pp. 1-2, Schou with annotations.